Works brilliantly as an icebreaker to gage the mood of a session right at the start. It also gives participants a chance to voice their hopes & fears right from the beginning.
The method use for the Hopes & Fears is very simple, ask people what their hopes and fears are for the upcoming event or for another upcoming change.
Step 1:
Get two flipchart pages or whiteboards. Label one as ‘hopes‘ and the other as ‘fears’.
Step 2:
Give all participants plenty of post-it notes and pens. Ask them to write down at least one hope and one fear per-post it note and stick them on the board.
Step 3:
When everyone has finished, go through them all:
- Manage expectations around the ‘hopes’
- Give reassurance around the ‘fears’
Hopes & Fears in Action

Gives everyone the opportunity to voice their hopes and fears. Gives you a chance, as the facilitator to manage expectations and address any potential fears.