Human bingo is a human-based version of Bingo, using personal traits or facts in place of numbers on a Bingo card. It’s an excellent icebreaker, it’s loads of fun, get’s people talking and can reveal interesting facts about people. This works best with a decent size group of approximately 20+ people.
Human Bingo: Method
Give everyone a pre-printed Bingo card that you’ll have made in advance. As everyone to speak to as many people in the room as possible until they’re able to ‘fill’ their bingo card. The first person to shout ‘BINGO’ wins the game!

Step 1:
Create a blank page containing a grid with 9 squares. Write a trait, hobby or skill in each square. Print enough for each participant to have 1 ‘bingo card’
Step 2:
Give everyone a bingo card an a pen. Ask everyone to get up and speak to as many others in the room as possible until they can fill every square on their card.
Step 3:
The first person to shout ‘BINGO’ wins the game and can win an optional prize.
Step 4:
Go through each square on the Bingo Card and the end with the whole group to see how many people were able to help the winner fill all their squares. This can lead to an interesting discussion to help participants get to know each other.
Learn new things about each other. This icebreaker activity can reveal interesting facts about the participants, help people bond and create new professional connections. It’s loads of fun.